Andrzej Malinowski, Biomedyczne podstawy rozwoju. Repetytorium dla każdego

Andrzej Malinowski, Biomedyczne podstawy rozwoju. Repetytorium dla każdego


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    From the Introduction by Prof. Andrzej Malinowski, Ph.D.

    In the education of pedagogues, it is essential to have a certain amount of biological and medical knowledge related to human ontogenesis, particularly the development of children and adolescents. […] In general, all these elements can be found in contemporary textbooks and study guides on biomedicine. However, the advancement of knowledge about development today is based on genetics, endocrinology, human ecology, and health promotion. This raises the question of whether and to what extent these elements should be included in the teaching of this subject to pedagogues. I believe that for certain branches of pedagogy, especially psychology or health promotion (health pedagogy), the knowledge of the mechanisms governing development must be broader: elements of developmental anatomy, developmental physiology, genetics, human ecology, and health promotion are necessary as separate lectures. […] My many years of experience as a lecturer in the subject that concerns us lead me to emphasize the importance of imparting to pedagogues primarily knowledge about the regularities of development, and to a lesser extent, its complex mechanisms, which should be generalized without delving into their details. […] The presented work is a form of a compendium, or rather a study guide in biomedicine.

    From the Review by Prof. Ryszard Asienkiewicz, Ph.D.

    The presented publication is essentially a popular science book, aimed at students (especially in pedagogy), as well as parents and educators. This concise outline of the subject, presented in a study guide of over one hundred pages, provides generalizations of such issues as: stages of human ontogenesis, endogenous genetic factors (determinants) and endogenous paragenetic factors (stimulators), environmental modifiers, and lifestyle. It also discusses human dimorphic differences, biological rhythms, issues of laterality and asymmetry, and selected topics related to the health of the school-aged population.

    Number of pages:
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-60038-46-8