Poznan Medical University

Prince Mieszko I of Applied Sciences

Biuro ds. Osób Niepełnosprawnych

Informacje i Wsparcie dla Studentów z Niepełnosprawnościami

Rector's Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities

mgr Małgorzata Biskup

Kontakt: +48 61 646 03 04
Pokój nr. 200, ul. Bułgarska 55

Office hours of the plenipotentiary

Tuesday - Wednesday   8:00 -15:00
Saturday                          8:00- 11:00

prof. dr hab. Idzi Siatkowski


Udziela wsparcia studentom będącym osobami ze szczególnymi potrzebami.

    • Support for students with disabilities offered by the university:

The university takes actions to ensure access to educational activities for students with disabilities and those with chronic illnesses who cannot complete the study program in the standard manner:

    • Session extension

    • Rescheduling exams

    • Individual consultations

    Organizing exams in an alternative form, i.e., adjusting the exam to the specific needs of the disabled student - informing lecturers with the student's consent.

    Students with disabilities can use the Plenipotentiary's Office with internet access and an auto-reader (for reading for visually and hearing impaired students).

    Additional activities of the Plenipotentiary:
    • Legal assistance

    • Assistance in drafting legal documents, directing to various supporting institutions, e.g., Child Rights Protection Committee, Interdisciplinary Teams, Child Center Foundation.

    • Psychological support

    Rysunek kobiety na wózku inwalidzkim, trzymająca książkę