Dominik Senczyk, Istota i charakterystyka zagrożeń asymetrycznych według strategii bezpieczeństwa różnych państw

Dominik Senczyk, Istota i charakterystyka zagrożeń asymetrycznych według strategii bezpieczeństwa różnych państw

author: Dominik Senczyk

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    Security is one of the basic needs of man, which determines its activity and development, and thus contributes to the development of the community and itsorganization (local, regional, state). This is shown, for example, by the pyramid of Maslov1. However, it is threatened by various adversities and dangers of the nature of challenges or threats. A threat to state security is the complex of internal events or in international relations, in which there is a high probability that conditions may be reduced or lost to undisturbed existence or violation or loss of state sovereignty.

    Number of pages: 110
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-60038-78-9