Przewodnik dydaktyczny dla studentów kierunku studiów wychowanie fizyczne, zebr. i oprac. Jerzy Matynia

Przewodnik dydaktyczny dla studentów kierunku studiów wychowanie fizyczne, zebr. i oprac. Jerzy Matynia


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    For the place of your studies, you have chosen the Higher School of Pedagogy andAdministration in Poznan, whose main motive is to call homines hominibus (people). I would like to warmly welcome you to the academic community of the university, in which students are the most important and numerous part of it.Congratulating you on the correct choice of university and course of study, I would like to assure you that we will do everything to ensure that the process of study at our school proceeds according to the highest standards, brings joy and satisfaction.In order to ensure the correct start of your studies, we pass on to you the didactic guide for students: physical education in the belief that it will make it easier for you to acquire knowledge and professional skills and efficient and timely settlement of our student obligations.

    Number of pages:
    ISBN/ISSN: 978-83-60038-03-1