Mediacja i arbitraż. T. 2: Wybrane zagadnienia, red. Dorota Czura-Kalinowska
The publication is a collection of submitted articles on the issues of
mediation and arbitration. The order of the presented issues is not
accidental, and results from the assumption that the considerations concerning
amicable methods of dispute resolution should begin with the articles on mediation, because submitting a dispute to arbitration
on mediation, since the submission of a dispute to the settlement of the court
(amicable or ordinary) should be considered as a last resort,
when the conflict between entrepreneurs can not be otherwise ended
end.After discussing the subject of mediation, the following is presented
has been widely understood the problem of arbitration, within the scope of which
included studies relating to the beginnings of arbitration in Poland
(Court of Arbitration at the Cotton Chamber in Gdynia), studies on the
the current situation and prospects for the development of arbitration in Poland
Poland, as well as considerations touching on procedural issues related to
arbitration proceedings, including in the context of international arbitration
international arbitration.This publication is crowned by considerations on the impact of
alternative dispute resolution methods on security in
business activities, showing another aspect of the very rich
issues of mediation and arbitration.