Health care in the European Union
Ochrona zdrowia w Unii Europejskiej

Conference Theme: Health care in the European Union

Part. I Emergency medical services - April 13, 2024.
part. II Physiotherapy - April 20, 2024.
part. III Nursing - April 27, 2024.

Health policies in EU countries are designed to ensure health protection in all EU policy areas and work toward a
for a stronger Health Union. However, all EU countries have their own national strategies and organizations that
implement common EU policies and national public health programs aimed at:
- protecting and improving the health of EU citizens;
- Supporting the modernization and digitization of health systems and health infrastructure;
- improving the resilience of European health systems
- preparing EU countries to more effectively prevent and respond to future pandemics.

The organization and provision of health services and medical care are primarily the responsibility of the
Member Countries.
The conference aims to familiarize medical and health sciences students with the way health care is organized and implemented
health care in Poland and Germany.

PLANNED PUBLICATIONS: monography/collective work in the publication of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences

Organizing Committee

1.  mgr Krzysztof Kostewicz Pro-Dean -of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
2. mgr Monika Łajdych Pro-Dean of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
3. mgr Alla Rejniak Pro-Dean of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
4. dr Joanna Łupicka Deputy Dean of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
5. dr Monika Stefaniak Lecturer of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
6. mgr Dobroslawa Gucia Publishing Director of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
7. mgr Joanna Białas Marketing Directo of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences.

Scientific Council

1. Prof. dr hab. n med. Krzysztof Drews - Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
2. Prof. dr hab. n med. Jerzy Szczapa - Lecturer at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences.
3. Prof. dr hab. n med. Witold Szyfter - Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the  Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
4. Tomasz Kubiak, MD, PhD - Lecturer at the  P Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
5. dr Jerzy Nazar - Lecturer at the  Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
6. dr n med. Łukasz Dudziński - Lecturer at the Bialsko Academy of Applied Sciences named after John Paul II;
7. dr Monika Zysnarska - Lecturer at the  Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences;
8. Dr. Katarzyna Plagens - Rotman Lecturer at the  Prince Mieszko I Poznań Medical University of Applied Sciences.


Health care in the European Unionpart. I Medical emergency, Poznan, April 13, 2024

Opening of the Conference Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Leader: Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Drews

1. 10.00-10.30 Cross-border education in medicine. Joanna Józefiak - president and founder of Mediciner e.V.;
2. 10.30-11.00 Health department of the city of Frankfurt (Oder) - tasks and characteristics. Dr. Oliver Fahron - chief physician of the City of
Frankfurt (Oder);
3. 11.00-11.30 Training in emergency medical services and crisis management in Germany and aspects of recognition of foreign education and qualification. Dr Oliver Fahron - Chief Medical Officer of the City Council of Frankfurt (Oder), Lukas Zyszkiewicz -Representative of emergency services of the City of Frankfurt (Oder);
4 11.30-12.00 Health insurance in Germany. Margaret Gregor - representatives of the health insurance funds Barmer;

12.00-12.30 Break;

4. 12.30-13.00 State emergency medical service system in light of the
proposed statutory changes. Dr Marcin Druszcz - lecturer at PAM;
5. 13.00-13.30 Polish rescuers abroad - lessons from the missions in Afghanistan, Ukraine and Mozambique. M.Sc. Jakub Grosicki paramedic participant in the mission of the EU in Mozambique;
6. 13.30-14.00 Modular teaching in medicine - perspectives and new challenges. Dr n. med. Leszek Niepolski - lecturer at PAM;

Closing of the Conference. Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Drews.


FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCESHealth care in the European Union

part. II Physiotherapy
Poznan, April 20, 2024
Opening of the Conference Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Drews

1. 12.00-12.30 Polyvagal therapy in physiotherapy practice Dr. Monika Stefaniak;
2. 12.30-13.00 The role of physiotherapy in the treatment of oncology patients. Mrs. Lidia Sufinowicz - Vice President of the Board of DirectorsPoznan Association of "Amazons";
3. 13.00-13.30 Rare parent. Mrs. Aleksandra Sobieska - Listewnik - President of the Williams Syndrome Association in Poland;
4. 13.30-14.00 KORP in physiotherapeutic functional diagnostics. Dr. Anna Wieczorek-Baranowska;
5. 14.00-14.30 Modular teaching in medicine - perspectives and new challenges. Dr Leszek Niepolski lecturer at PAM;

Closing of the Conference Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Drews.

Health care in the European Union
part. III Nursing
Poznan, April 27, 2024

Opening of the Conference. Moderator: Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Drews.

1. 10.00-10.30 Cross-border education in medicine - introduction
and presentation of the project. Ms. Joanna Józefiak - president and founder of Mediciner e.V., Mr. Jedrzej Suchorowski - Mediciner e.V. project manager;
2. 10.30-11.00 Presentation of Frankfurt Hospital. Mr. Jan Jakobitz - Managing Director of Klinikum Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH;
3. 11.00-11.30 Nursing education and practice opportunities at the
Klinikum Frankfurt Oder. Mr. Dr. Jenny Wortha, Director of Nursing at Klinikum
Frankfurt (Oder);
4. 11.30-12.00 Health insurance in Germany. Mr. Margaret Gregor / Andreas Wolf - representatives of the health insurance fund Barmer sickness fund;
5. 12.00-12.30 Career path of a Polish-educated nurse abroad. Mr. Jaroslaw Rzymanek - nurse of Klinikum Frankfurt (Oder);

12.30-13.00 Break

4. 13.00-13.30 Health care system in Poland from the perspective of the hospital staff. Paweł Szybert - 3rd year nursing student at PAM branch in Nowy Tomyśl, Dr. Krystian Ratajczak;
5. 13.30-14.00 Nursing seen through our eyes. lic. Klaudia Nowak second-year nursing student at PAM;
6. 14.00-14.30 Vaccinations as an opportunity for health. Dr. Emilia Kłos Jasinska -lecturer at PAM;

14.30-15.00 Break

7. 15.30-16.00 Assessing men's knowledge of lung cancer. Dr Maria Połocka - Molińska lecturer at PAM;
8. 16.00-16.30 Modular teaching in medicine - perspectives and new challenges.
Dr n. med. Leszek Niepolski - lecturer at PAM;
9. 16.30-17.00 Elimination of barriers related to disability and environmental protection. Mgr Aneta Wasilewska - lecturer at PAM
10. 17.00-17.30 Impact of oncological waste disposal on the state of the environment. Mgr Renta Śmiankowska - lecturer at PAM.

Closing of the Conference. Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Drews.

Conference date change
Indivisible health - interactions with mental health